Join the community consultation to update the Society’s policy proposals!
January 05, 2022
A consultation to update the Society’s orientations and demands
In February, the Society will launch a consultation of the intellectual disability community in Quebec in order to update the Society’s orientations in view of the 2022 provincial elections.
Throughout the winter and spring, thematic meetings will be organized on various subjects and will allow the intellectual disability community to be consulted on the state of the situation and on the positions and demands that the Society should formulate.
The consultation is open to all, whether or not they are members of the Society.
Consultation process
The consultation will be carried out through thematic discussion sessions, preceded by surveys in order to fully understand the reality of people living with intellectual disabilities, their families, as well as the members in the community.
Once the thematic sessions are completed, an update of the orientations will be made and presented to the members.
Topics for consultation and timeline
The following themes were identified for consultation:
- Education – Consultation planned for mid-February
- Social Participation and Services for Adults aged 21 years and over – Consultation planned for mid-March
- Socio-professional services and employability – Consultation planned for mid-April
- Role of the State – Consultation planned for mid-May
- Society’s action for advocacy – Consultation planned for mid-June
The pre-consultation surveys will be sent out approximately three weeks before the thematic sessions and will be open for a period of two weeks.
Consultation dimensions
- Educational Services
- Services for Adults 21 years and older, Health and Social Services, Housing, the Justice system, and trajectories leading to marginality
- Employment Services
Registration for the consultation
Whether you are a member or not, you can participate in the consultation. We will be sending out invitations by email to members and other interested people via a mailing list.
If you are interested in participating in the consultation, please register directly using the form below.