Policy Directions and Required Actions of the Quebec Intellectual Disability Society

In the context of the 2022 provincial election campaign, the Quebec Intellectual Disability Society presented its updated Policy Directions and Required Actions. This document serves as a reference document, encompassing a range of concerns related to intellectual disabilities in Quebec. This synthesis document outlines various issues and potential solutions that can be pursued to improve the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families.

The document was created following a consultation conducted in the winter and spring of 2022, which brought together hundreds of individuals and provided insight into the intellectual disability community.


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MEMOIRS AND OPINIONS PRODUCED BY THE Quebec Intellectual Disability Society

As a government partner and a participant in civil society, the Quebec Intellectual Disability Society is called upon to take positions and express its views on various issues affecting the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. In this section, you will find our positions, memoires, and opinions over the years.